About Me

Exploring The World Through Technology

My passion lies in exploring the vast horizons of the world through the lens of technology. Motivated by an insatiable curiosity, I am driven to uncover the limitless possibilities and innovations that technology offers. This propels me to continually seek opportunities to expand my knowledge, as I believe that understanding the intricacies of technology not only enriches my personal growth but also equips me to contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving landscape. Seeking greater knowledge isn’t just a professional pursuit; it’s a means to incorporate ideas and possibilities into my everyday life.

IT Helpdesk Technician
  • Manage and resolve IT Help desk support requests for all users within the HSO organization.
  • Communicate, troubleshoot, and resolve user issues, coordinating internal and external resources when necessary.
  • Track all issues, communications, and resolutions in the HSO Ticketing System.
  • Create documentation for common issues.
  • Continually learn and understand the HSO IT environment.
  • Achieved the F.A.C.E of HSO award three times in two years for going above and beyond the daily job duties
Active Directory
Microsoft Admin Center
Customer Service

Contact Me

Do you have any questions? I’m always open to discussions about new job opportunities, upcoming projects, or creative ventures. Let’s connect and explore how we can collaborate for mutual success. Feel free to reach out, and let’s start a conversation!